Protecting Our Environment

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. My experience as a Hurricane Katrina evacuee gave me firsthand insight into the massive toll that climate change is already having – and this incredibly smokey Minnesota summer due to Canadian wildfires is another unescapable sign that climate change has arrived on Minnesota’s doorstep. 

As a member of the House DFL Climate Action Caucus, I support bold actions to decrease emissions of greenhouse gasses, improve energy efficiency and sustainability, and create new clean-energy jobs — so I authored several pieces of bold legislation to do just that. I authored a 50-year clean water action plan for the whole state, as well as the Boundary Waters Permanent Protection Bill. I am proud to have secured funding for phase one of the clean water action plan.

Minnesota’s amazing natural resources—our land, air, and water—need protection from threats including industrial pollution, agricultural run-off, and risky copper-nickel mining. I support strong environmental regulations that promote renewable energy and ensure Minnesota’s environment will be safe for our children and grandchildren.


Criminal Legal and Public Safety Reforms


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