VOTE411 Voter Guide: Minnesota State House District 41B

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Updated: Oct 5, 2020

This questionnaire originally appeared on VOTE411 Voter Guide. You can find the original here.

State Representatives serve in the Minnesota House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the state legislature. They write and vote on legislation to create, repeal, or change state laws affecting many issues, like health care, the environment, and the economy. They also vote on state taxes and the state spending.

Sandra Feist (DFL)
Biographical Information
Campaign Website:
Twitter: @SandraFeistMN
Campaign Email (Public):
Mailing Address (Public):
PO Box 120362
New Brighton, MN 55112

Why are you the best candidate to represent voters?

Every year more than 400 Minnesotans are killed with guns. As our families are threatened by gun violence and our children are frightened by active shooter drills, the big-money gun lobby prevents the passage of common-sense legislation favored by the majority of Americans. I support background checks on all gun sales, a red flag law limiting gun access for people proven to be a danger to themselves or others, disarming domestic abusers, and taking other common-sense actions to end gun violence.

What actions, if any, do you see as necessary to address the economic needs of the state caused by the financial stress resulting from coronavirus?

We need to rebuild Minnesota through a combination of measures designed to support Minnesotans' basic needs, including housing, childcare, hunger, educational support, and protecting workers' rights to a safe workplace and a living wage. As a small business owner, I know that we need to simultaneously find ways to support employers to ensure that companies rebuild and continue to generate job growth, including grants and other direct financial assistance to struggling small businesses.

What legislation, if any, would you support to address any racial or ethnic disparities in education and health?

Health: COVID-19 has starkly exposed the vast inequalities in our health care system. We must ensure that everyone, including our most vulnerable, are assured of access to the health care they need. I support comprehensive and affordable health care for all Minnesotans. Education: I support a strong system of fully funded public schools through equitable, consistent, and generous funding so that no matter what your zip code, all children receive a quality education. I need much more space here!

What legislation, if any, would you support to address not only nature conservation and environmental stewardship but also any possible effect of such legislation on the state's economy?

Climate change is one of the most important issues of our time. My experience as a Hurricane Katrina evacuee gave me firsthand insight into the massive toll of climate change. I support legislation to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases, improve energy efficiency and sustainability, and create new clean-energy jobs. These jobs increase in number each year and provide new professional opportunities with companies that manufacture and install renewable energy and energy efficient technologies.

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